“…the health and integrity of the land and all its components cannot be separated from the health and continued existence of the Potawatomi people.”
The Land and Natural Resources Division strives to enhance, protect, conserve, and manage the Forest County Potawatomi Community’s unique and limited natural, cultural and historic resources for current and future generations.
The Division consists of seven departments: Bodwéwadmi Ktëgan (Potawatomi Farm), Energy, Forestry, Land Information, Outreach & Engagement, Planning and Natural Resources. The biggest department is the Natural Resources Department which consists of the following programs: Air, Botany/Wetlands, Water, and Wildlife.
Land & Natural
Resources Building
5320 Wensaut Lane
Crandon, WI 54520
(715) 478-7222
7am – 5pm

Please call 715-478-7222 to make an appointment to meet with one of our staff.
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Food Desert No More