A Tribal Historic Preservation Officer (THPO) is the designated preservation officer of a federally recognized American Indian Nation authorized to protect the historic and culturally significant properties on tribal lands; as well as ceded and unceded territories of the Potawatomi under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (as amended) (NHPA) and the National Environmental Policy Act of 1970.
The THPO enables a tribal nation to protect and identify historic places in ways that conform to tribal values, traditions, and customs on and off reservation lands under Section 101 (d)(6)(B) of the NHPA. The function of the THPO includes working with Section 106 review and compliance criterion; identifying and nominating historically significant places to the National Register of Historic Places; enforcing tribal and federal preservation laws; and preserving Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) among other duties.
What does our office do?
First and foremost, on Tribal Lands the FCPC THPO participates in the Environmental and Cultural Review Policy process for proposed tribal projects. Projects can include anything from timber sales and/or isolated tree removal, larger construction activities, highway or road rebuild or repair, solar panel installation(s), new proposed housing locations, new recreation sites, new water and sewer installation, electrical service lines, and even utility repairs or smaller projects such as sign installations.
Additionally, the Tribe has the Tribal Member Services Policy that provides community assistance for reviewing and implementing individual tribal member projects. This policy covers reservation lands, and any tribal members request within 20 miles of Tribal property.
Who are we and where are we located?
Mr. Benjamin Rhodd is the FCP Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, and a descendant Potawatomi from the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma and he can be reached at 715-478-7354.
Ms. Olivia Nunway, Menominee/Potawatomi, is the Assistant Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and can be reached at 715-478-4538. The THPO office is located at the Land & Natural Resource building on Potawatomi Trail.