The botany and wetlands program focuses on assessments, inventory, monitoring, and developing plans for natural resources management of tribal wetlands and plant populations.
Ethnobotany is the focal point of the program. Wetland delineation, wetland water quality sampling, invasive species eradication, threatened and endangered plant surveys, and native garden developments encompass some of the activities performed by the botanist/wetland biologist.
Plant Surveys
Survey the diversity and structure of plant communities and estimate plant population abundance in various areas on tribal lands to monitor health and long-term trends of forest understory.
Invasive Plant Management
Survey, map, and remove invasive plant species that may be detrimental to native ecosystems or a threat to human health.
Rare Plant Surveys
Survey for State or Federal Special Concern, Threatened, or Endangered plant species on tribal lands to ensure protection of sensitive plant populations and habitat.
Wetland Water Quality Monitoring
Monitor the water quality of wetland resources on Tribal lands. Chemistry, temperature, pH, conductivity are all included.
Native Plant Recommendations
Recommend native plant species that would be best suited for home gardens, medicine gardens, or erosion projects.
Wetland Delineations
Find the edges of wetlands so we can keep contaminants and erosion out of wetland areas and protect nature’s greatest filter.
Contact Information
Alyssa Grelecki | Natural Resources Biologist | Botany/Wetlands | 715-478-4191